Reflect is the only “names-compliant” software providing an investor-focused rating that scores companies across 18 ESG sub-themes and offers asset managers the ability to ensure continuous compliance. With comprehensive data on 6,500 companies—or 98% of the global market cap—Reflect can analyze virtually every asset type, including equities, bonds and investments in various structures, including ETFs, mutual funds & SMAs.
For the first time ever, show your clients how their portfolios are aligned with their specific values. Create a deeper connection between you, your clients and their wealth, while maintaining the scalability of model like delivery. Even offer customized SMA's curated by a portfolio management team with 25 years of values-aligned portfolio construction.
Today's most widely used ESG data sources and the two largest ESG data providers all built their house on the SASB/IFRS Materiality Framework. But material to whom? We believe that Fiduciary Duty requires the consideration of institutional, donor, and benefactors values. It should be asset owner centric, not company centric. ESG as it is practiced today is the only investment strategy focused on the company (investment) and not the asset owner (investor). This ends HERE.
Ensure your client’s have portfolios that are aligned with their specific values
Compare like named funds for alignment and against benchmarks, and document investment criteria and results
Score funds for marketing and holding compliance (SEC 35d-1); document fund alignment with SFDR (Articles 6, 8, 9)
View in real-time what adding or removing a security does to overall ESG Score with detailed reports on product suitability
Provide clarity and documentation on ESG alignment and leverage our system backed by the industry’s only Assurance Guarantee
Ensure your corpus aligns with your organization’s mission, values, and policies and reduce headline risk from mis-matching
Others are company centric
Nothing cookie cutter or canned at Reflect
Your values, your holdings - compared
See the shortfalls and fix them in one click!
Uniquely designed and tested values discovery experience honed at three global financial institutions to ensure client values are front and center of the analysis.
Get detailed and useful analysis around what is owned and where there is alignment or disconnect.
Interested to see how the holdings stack up on 18 different categories? Want to see how the individual positions owned map to the UN SDGs? Looking to uncover how the holdings fare on gender or other diversity metrics - just run a custom report.
Compare holdings across asset classes to uncover where alternative managers can add values alignment to the portfolio.
Find investments that are more suited to the identified values and bring alignment between personal and financial lives.
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